Variation of Gridstory (Gridstory (Toy) by Datame ( with the addition of resource usage and environmental health.

Ultimately super jank; cellular automata-styled rules (only looks at nearby cells) is really not ideal for a simulation like this.

Each tile now keeps track of its environmental health, and the amount of resources it can produce goes down the less healthy it is, intended to model 

  • Soil degradation
  • Deforestation
  • Mining ores

Plains and forests regrow over time, but ores do not. In addition, the rate of regrowth depends on the current health; A less healthy tile will recover slower than a healthy tile.

Usage of resources depends mainly on the number of tiles controlled by a faction, and conflict occuring; when conflict occurs between factions, the usages of all resources go up significantly.

Higher usage increases the rate of tile health degradation.

There are essentially three states, depending on usage and current health. Either a faction is growing/supported by its land, and it is sustainable, it is growing/supported but the health is dropping (unsustainable), or it is neither supported (faction land is shrinking) and health is dropping.

A tile becomes more yellow (barren) the less healthy it is.

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